Behavior Management Plan

Behavior Calendars

1.)  Each child has a monthly behavior calendar inside his/her daily take-home folder.
2.)  Please initial the correct box every single day.
3.)  A sticker in the box lets you know that your 
child had a super day.
4.)  If your child does not earn a sticker, I will write down the reason(s) why in the box.
5.)  Please discuss the behavior calendar with your child regularly.  (I really appreciate your support.)

Behavior Plan

To help ensure a safe and structured learning environment, I have developed the following behavior management plan:

Each student will have a baggie of 10 laminated frogs.  He/She will have the opportunity to earn more frogs for exceptional behavior.  This can include following directions the first time they were given, working cooperatively with others, being a good friend, sharing, answering questions during lessons, etc. 
The list can go on and on, because I love to recognize all kinds of positive behaviors.

Students who lose frogs for classroom infractions will have ample opportunities to earn them back.

The goal is for students to have 7 or more frogs during the week.  If a student meets the number of frogs required, he/she will earn a prize or coupon from the prize box on Friday.

Froggy Rules

Pay attention in class.  
Listen/Follow directions the first time they are given.  
Respect your school, teacher, friends, and yourself.  
Allow others to work and play without being disturbed or interrupted.  
Move from place to place in a quiet and orderly manner.

Mrs. Miller's Behavior Incentive:  “Fabulous Froggy of the Week”

To help encourage positive behaviors, I have a “Fabulous Froggy.”

Every two weeks, I will pick a child to be the “Fabulous Froggy of the Week.”  To be the “froggy of the week,” a student must try his/her best,display positive classroom behavior, and be respectful and responsible.
When a child is chosen for this award, I will hang up lily pads in the classroom with some information about that student.  He/She will also earn special privileges and receive two prizes, a pencil, and a certificate.

School-Wide Behavior Incentive:  “Paw Notes”

When positive behaviors are displayed, students my earn "Paw Notes."  (or "Paws-itive Notes")

When a student earns a "Paw Note," the top part of the note is placed in our classroom container; the bottom part goes home.  Drawings will take place sporadically throughout the month.  Students will go to the principal's office for their rewards.

We will also have individual drawings in our classroom,.  (I love to reward positive behavior!) 
I will have a "whole class" reward, as well, if there are so many notes in the container.

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